
 中國文化大學行政管理學系-華岡行政論壇(VIII)、【比較行政與優質治理:亞洲觀點】國際學術研討會(International Conference on Comparative Administration and Smart Governance: Asian Perspectives)
 報告テーマ「地域経営に基づく持続的観光:東日本大震災後のケース」Sustainable Tourism Development Based on Local Management after the Great East Japan Earthquake
 招聘の研究者は、他に韓国行政学会長のHeungsuk Choi教授、Professor of Public Administration, Korea University; Director, Center for Governance Design; President elect for Korean Association of Public Administration (KAPA) for 2017、マレーシアから、Emile Kok-Kheng Yeoh准教授。 (Associate Professor, Department of Administrative Studies and Politics, University of Malaya)、台湾から詹中原教授(考試委員、國立政治大學公共行政學系教授)他。